December month Welness astrology for Simmam - Leo :

Chevvai (Mars - Mangal) peyarchi Gochara or transit results for Simmam - Leo Rasi

Current Date&Time : 14-12-2024 19:38:17 IST (GMT +05.30 Hrs)

Current Transit Chart

Rahu Moon Jupiter(R) Asc
Saturn RASIMars(R)
Sun Mercury(R) Kethu

Mars transiting house: 12

Loss of wealth.

Mars transits the 12th house from your moon sign or Rasi.

This is not auspicious position and you may suffer from various expenses, troubles, diseases of the eye, pinpricks from an angry wife, from bilious complaints and various other worries.Unwanted expenditures, Unwanted foreign trip and difficulties there.

Quarrels with family members and spouse, danger from sharp weapons, fall from height, fractures, blood disorders, eye diseases and afflictions, poverty, debts, and other harmful effects are realized during the transit of twelfth house from Rasi by Mars

Mars aspects house 6. Result of this aspect is Good. Gain of wealth, success

Mars in malefic position. Mars transiting Vedha position to good position 3.

Mars is debilated and may not give good results.

Sevvai, according to astrology rasi palan, gives ability to speak out in assemblies and in public with boldness.

Sevvai if in good position will give leadership qualities to the individual.

Sevvai is more powerful than fire. It is also called as fire planet. So it is the planet that rules any place that deals in fire. For example foundries, kitchen etc.,

Mesham and Virutchikam are the house for Sevvai.

Sevvai is the ruling planet for Mirukacheeritam, Chithirai and Avittam.

Those who work for Fire service, Military or Kaaval, then for them Sevvai is in good position in their Rasi.




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