February month Welness astrology for Dhanushu - Sagittarius :

Chevvai (Mars - Mangal) peyarchi Gochara or transit results for Dhanushu - Sagittarius Rasi

Current Date&Time : 14-02-2025 03:35:30 IST (GMT +05.30 Hrs)

Current Transit Chart

Venus Rahu Jupiter Mars(R)
Sun Mercury Saturn RASI

Mars transiting house: 7

Discord with wife.

Mars transits the 7th house from your moon sign or Rasi.

This is not a favourable position for domestic life. You will have quarrels with your wife/husband, eye troubles, stomach-ache, indigestion etc., Financially you will experience a difficult time. Poverty will increase, insufficient food, untimely food are expected.

Misunderstanding and quarrels with brothers are expected. There may be quarrels and separation with wife. Eye and stomach related ailments, danger from fire, machinery and weapons are expected.

Physical fatigue, pain in limbs, arms and other ailments, disease to spouse, extramarital relations and its consequences like loss of pride, loss of health and loss of money are expected.

This position of one of the worst place for Mars and it will inflict all kind of bad things to the native. Imprisonment, loss of prestige, death like difficulties, even death to those running Maraka Dasa are the likely results of transit of seventh house by Mars.

Mars aspects house 1. Result of this aspect is Bad. Diseases, separation

Mars in malefic position.

Sevvai, according to astrology rasi palan, gives ability to speak out in assemblies and in public with boldness.

Sevvai if in good position will give leadership qualities to the individual.

Sevvai is more powerful than fire. It is also called as fire planet. So it is the planet that rules any place that deals in fire. For example foundries, kitchen etc.,

Mesham and Virutchikam are the house for Sevvai.

Sevvai is the ruling planet for Mirukacheeritam, Chithirai and Avittam.

Those who work for Fire service, Military or Kaaval, then for them Sevvai is in good position in their Rasi.




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