Lovescope for Makaram - Capricorn :

Sukra peyaRchi Gochara or transit results for Makaram - Capricorn Rasi

Current Date&Time : 14-02-2025 04:34:14 IST (GMT +05.30 Hrs)

Current Transit Chart

Venus Rahu Jupiter Mars(R)
Sun Mercury Saturn RASI

Venus transiting house: 3

Varied Gains.

Venus transits the 3rd house from your moon sign or Rasi.

This indicates you will become influential, wealthy and respectable and will get clothes and ornaments.

Your enemy will meet with ruin. Separation of spouse may happen. You will be more sympathetic towards others. Will be successful in undertakings.

Enemies will be subdued, will get new friends and help from them, will become more courageous and spirited. Thus Venus in third house will produce good results.

Venus aspects house 9. Result of this aspect is Good. enjoyment

Venus is exalted and the good results will materialize




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