Green Emerald gemstone benefits :

gemstone missing
gemstone missing
gemstone missing
gemstone missing

Green Emerald Gemstone:

The Green Emerald is a regular crystal of beryl that also contains chromium as an impurity. Beryl is the term given to beryllium aluminum silicate (Be2Al2Si6Ol8). Emeralds are green due to this.

Green Emerald according to horoscope:

Green Emerald Gemstone represents the planet Mercury - aRivan. Mind works properly by wearing an Emerald and can get the benefits in study, business and writings. Students must wear an Emerald after analyzing their horoscope by an experienced Astrologer to improve their concentration in studies. Good education depends on efficiency of planets Mercury. If you are a business man and want to get success in your business, you can wear an Emerald as Mercury represents the business activities in someone’s life, it should be strong

To make acting and molding career one should have a beneficial and strong Mercury in his/her horoscope. Who relates these activities, must wear an Emerald to get success in their career.

How Green Emerald shows its effect:

If you want to make a career in music, fashion designing, painting and interior designing etc, you should wear emerald stone as it is a stone of Mercury planet. It is said that Panna stone helps the wearer to get new ideas and inventions. With the help of this stone, the wearer can beat the competition.

Health problems cured by Green Emerald:

Along with medical treatment, green emerald is believed to cure eye problems, paralysis, hypertension, meningitis, nerve problems, cancer of the mouth, breast and stomach, etc.

How to wear Green Emerald:

Wear a 0.5 to 6 carats Emerald. Light green color and transparent Emerald of Zambia or Scotland will give best results. Make in gold or silver ring and wear it in little finger.

Emerald of Zambia

Gemstone Emerald of Zambia
Represents Mercury, Mind
Finger Little finger
Used with metal Gold or Silver
Weight 0.5 to 6 Carats



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