Guru peyarchi palangal of 2024 for rasi Meenam - Pisces :

Latest Guru Peyarchi Palangal using Thiru Kanitha Panchang. Predict how your wealth will be during 2024 - 2025 for rasi Meenam - Pisces

Viyaazan (Jupitor - Guru) peyaRchi Gochara or transit results for Meenam - Pisces Rasi

Current Date&Time : 14-12-2024 18:22:34 IST (GMT +05.30 Hrs)

Current Transit Chart

Rahu Moon Jupiter(R) Asc
Saturn RASIMars(R)
Sun Mercury(R) Kethu

Jupiter transiting house: 3

ராசிக்கு 3 ல் வியாழன் (குரு) வருவதால் பெருத்த கெட்ட செயலோ அல்லது துக்கமோ ஏற்படலாம், உடன் பிறந்தோருக்கு கண்டம், விரும்பாத இட பெயர்ச்சி, தகப்பனருக்கு கண்டம், உறவினருடன் பகை, சிறை பயம், நோய், எதிலும் முடிவெடுக்க இயலாமை, வேலையில் உயர்ந்த மதிப்பு பறிபோதல்,

வியாபாரத்தில் நொடிப்பு, பண முடை, வீண் அலைச்சல் போன்ற தீய பலன்களை வியாழன் பகவான் மூன்றமிடத்தில் வழங்குவார்.

Ill health.

Jupiter transits the 3rd house from your moon sign or Rasi. This position indicates you will quit your place and will meet with obstacles in work.

This position indicates misery and unhappiness. Brothers may be affected, unwanted displacement, danger to father, displeasure of relatives, illness, fear of death are the indicators of transit of third house my Jupiter. Also indicate danger to life.

If the dasa of Maraka planet is running and age promised by the horoscope is attained death may occur. Imprisonment, diseases, dishonour and low status are expected. May become coward. May loose job, position etc. Trading will not be successful during this period and don't be aggressive in developing business.

Physical fatigue, poverty and other harmful results are likely to happen during this transit.

Jupiter aspects house 9. Result of this aspect is

Jupiter in malefic position. Jupiter transiting Vedha position to good position 7. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Kethu

Guru Gochar | Jupiter Transit from the rasi sign is important to read as planet Jupiter is considered as the ruler of wealth of rasi kaarars.

Though as per science, Jupiter is a gaseous planet, as per astrology this guru is the strongest and most influentual comparing to all other planets used for horoscope prediction.

It is the ruler for Danush (Libra) and Meenam (Pisces) rasi.

While Sun is considered the Athma of Astrology, Jupiter - Guru is considered the life of Sun.

Position of Guru at 1, 4, 7 and 10 from the Rasi sign is considered as the best for the rasi kaarar.




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