Guru peyarchi palangal of 2024 for rasi Tulam - Libra :

Latest Guru Peyarchi Palangal using Thiru Kanitha Panchang. Predict how your wealth will be during 2024 - 2025 for rasi Tulam - Libra

Viyaazan (Jupitor - Guru) peyaRchi Gochara or transit results for Tulam - Libra Rasi

Current Date&Time : 14-12-2024 19:37:10 IST (GMT +05.30 Hrs)

Current Transit Chart

Rahu Moon Jupiter(R) Asc
Saturn RASIMars(R)
Sun Mercury(R) Kethu

Jupiter transiting house: 8

பிறப்பு ராசிக்கு 8 ல் வியாழன் (குரு) பகவான் தங்குவது கெடு பலன்களையே பெரும்பாலும் கொடுக்கும். பண இழப்பு, வீட்டை விட்டு அல்லது நாட்டை விட்டு வெளியேற வேண்டிய நிலை, பதவி, புகழ் பறிபோதல், உடல் நலக் குறைவு ஏற்படல்

,பயணங்களில் துன்பம், விபத்து, பணமுடை, மன நிம்மதி குறைதல், நெருப்பில் ஆபத்து, அரசாங்கத்தால் தொல்லை போன்ற தீய பலன்கள் அதிகம் ஏற்படலாம்.

Unwanted travel, loss of wealth.

Jupiter's transits the 8th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This indicates sufferings from imprisonment, diseases, heavy grief, the fatigue of journey and serious illness.

Destruction of wealth, expulsion from house, loss of position, failure in career, danger to life are expected. Name will spoil due to relation with subordinates. Journeys will be uncomfortable, money will go wasted, some may face imprisonment.

Diseases may make life harder and painful. You will not get enough compensation for your work, physical fatigue, danger from fire and likely bad results are expected during the transit of eighth house by Jupiter.

Jupiter aspects house 2. Result of this aspect is

Jupiter in malefic position. Jupiter transiting Vedha position to good position 11.

Guru Gochar | Jupiter Transit from the rasi sign is important to read as planet Jupiter is considered as the ruler of wealth of rasi kaarars.

Though as per science, Jupiter is a gaseous planet, as per astrology this guru is the strongest and most influentual comparing to all other planets used for horoscope prediction.

It is the ruler for Danush (Libra) and Meenam (Pisces) rasi.

While Sun is considered the Athma of Astrology, Jupiter - Guru is considered the life of Sun.

Position of Guru at 1, 4, 7 and 10 from the Rasi sign is considered as the best for the rasi kaarar.




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