Monthly astrology for Rishabam - Taurus :

Current Date&Time : 14-01-2025 19:22:15 IST (GMT +05.30 Hrs)

Current Transit Chart

Rahu Jupiter(R)
Venus Saturn RASIAsc
Moon Mars(R)
Mercury Kethu

Sun transiting house: 9

Humiliation, mental anguish. The sun transits the ninth house from your moon sign or Rasi. This will cause to you danger, humiliation, dependency, disappointment and separation. Misunderstanding with father, diseases to father, obstacles in undertakings, accidents, poverty, failure at work, confrontation with superiors are the results of this transit.

Sun aspects house 3. Result of this aspect is Good. All is good

Sun in malefic position. Sun transiting Vedha position to good position 3.

Sun is in enemy sign and may not be able to produce good results.

Moon transiting house: 3

Moon aspects house 9. Result of this aspect is Good. profits

The beneficial result of Moon is obstructed by the Vedha caused by Sun at house 9. So the good results are somehow reduced or completely absent.

Moon is ruling and will improve the good results

Mercury transiting house: 8

Gain of wealth, loss of health. Mercury transits the 8th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This indicates you will get sons, success, clothes and wealth and will become happy and powerful. Many gains, happiness, progeny, religious travels and visiting holy places, tasty food, improvement in health, benefit from government and gain of government contracts, raja yoga, profit from land/site/property, good income and gain of popularity, help will come from several quarters, intelligence will improve, will get desired vehicles, house etc, will get many clothes and ornaments. This transit is beneficial for share market trading. Gains through children is also indicated by this transit.

Mercury aspects house 2. Result of this aspect is Good. Gain of wealth, comforts

The beneficial result of Mercury is obstructed by the Vedha caused by Jupiter at house 1. So the good results are somehow reduced or completely absent.

Venus transiting house: 10

Quarrels. Venus transits the 10th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This is not a favouralbe positions and indicates you will suffer disgrace and will also suffer quarrels. This transit may not be good for health and may invite diseases. Untimely and unhealthy food, sorrow, travel to foreign and troubles there, loss in business/trade, trouble in career, failure of undertakings, relatives and friends will be less caring for you, loss of conjugal bliss, spoiling of health due to illicit contacts, unwanted quarrels and likely results are predicted. Quarrels with wife, illicit relations, loss of reputation in society are predicted for this transit.

Venus aspects house 4. Result of this aspect is Good. Improvement in education, vehicles

Venus in malefic position. Venus transiting Vedha position to good position 4.




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