Monthly astrology for Kanni - Virgo :

Current Date&Time : 14-01-2025 19:25:50 IST (GMT +05.30 Hrs)

Current Transit Chart

Rahu Jupiter(R)
Venus Saturn RASIAsc
Moon Mars(R)
Mercury Kethu

Sun transiting house: 5

Mental anguish. The sun transits the fifth house from your birth sign or Rasi. This is not a favourable transit for you. This will cause mental agitation, ill-health, embarrassment and accidents. This position of sun result in mental disturbances and disorders. Sexual urge will increase and may left unfulfilled, may be troubled by government, help may not come from relatives when needed, health may spoil, friends will turn foes, financial difficulties, fear of jail etc. are the results of this transit.

Sun aspects house 11. Result of this aspect is Good. Increased income

Sun in malefic position. Sun transiting Vedha position to good position 11. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Moon The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Mars

Sun is in enemy sign and may not be able to produce good results.

Moon transiting house: 11

Moon aspects house 5. Result of this aspect is Bad. fear

Moon is ruling and will improve the good results

Mercury transiting house: 4

Multiple gains. Mercury transits the 4th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This is favourable transit of mercury and indicates much gains and increase of kinsmen. Mind will become clear and become able to thing rationally, new ideas will emanate, not good for mother and father, acquisition of vehicles, increase of respect, enjoyment of company of women, travels and gains due to those travels, and good income to family and likely results will happen during the transit of fourth house by mercury.

Mercury aspects house 10. Result of this aspect is Good. Gains and comforts

Venus transiting house: 6

Misfortunes. Venus transits the 6th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This is unfavourable position and indicates you will suffer disgrace, will be afflicted with diseases and will be exposed to danger. Misfortunes and difficulties, digestive problem, stomach pain, diabetic ailments, increased sexual desire and problems in relation with spouse, increased appetite, increased sexual activity and disease thereof, wanderings, fear, obstacles, extra marital relations, fear of imprisonment, fear of death and similar bad effects are likely to happen during the transit of sixth house by Venus.

Venus aspects house 12. Result of this aspect is Good. Bed comforts, expenditure for good cause

Venus in malefic position. Venus transiting Vedha position to good position 12.




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