Monthly astrology for Tulam - Libra :

Current Date&Time : 14-01-2025 19:26:35 IST (GMT +05.30 Hrs)

Current Transit Chart

Rahu Jupiter(R)
Venus Saturn RASIAsc
Moon Mars(R)
Mercury Kethu

Sun transiting house: 4

Illness, worries. The sun transits the fourth house from your birth sign or Rasi. This is an indication of diseases, constant attack from opponents, no peace of mind, pressure from creditors, and sorrow and misery. This position will give troubles in domestic life, situations might compel expulsion form house, make difficulties in decision making, friends and relatives will turn foes, female members in house may be afflicted by diseases, affect conjugal bliss, fever and other physical problems are indicated.

Sun aspects house 10. Result of this aspect is Good. Success in career/profession

Sun in malefic position. Sun transiting Vedha position to good position 10. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Moon The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Mars

Sun is in enemy sign and may not be able to produce good results.

Moon transiting house: 10

Moon aspects house 4. Result of this aspect is Bad. Disease in stomach

The beneficial result of Moon is obstructed by the Vedha caused by Sun at house 4. So the good results are somehow reduced or completely absent.

Moon is ruling and will improve the good results

Mercury transiting house: 3

Fear from foes. Mercury transits the third house from your moon sign or Rasi. You will make new friends, will be afraid of troubles from the Government and trouble from enemies, may quit your place due to wicked deeds. Fear of enemies, family feud, loss of money, situation will force to work for other, misunderstanding among brothers, cowardness will increase, expulsion from home, fear from government and other enemies, enmity with friends and relatives. So mercury is not beneficial in third house.

Mercury aspects house 9. Result of this aspect is Bad. sorrow, difficulties

Mercury in malefic position. Mercury transiting Vedha position to good position 4.

Venus transiting house: 5

Birth of a son. Venus transits the 5th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This indicates general happines, you will get kinsmen, wealth and friends and will not suffer defeat by enemy. Birth of virtuous child, public oration and benefits thereof, acquaintance of government officials and their help, get higher positions in government, you will always be in the company of somebody, enemies will be defeated and destroyed, new vehicles, properties will be acquired, will get servants and other good results are predicted for transit of fifth house by Venus.

Venus aspects house 11. Result of this aspect is Good. Income from women




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