February month student astrology for Kumbham - Aquarius :

Arivan (Mercury - Puthan) peyaRchi Gochara or transit results for Kumbham - Aquarius Rasi

Current Date&Time : 14-02-2025 04:10:53 IST (GMT +05.30 Hrs)

Current Transit Chart

Venus Rahu Jupiter Mars(R)
Sun Mercury Saturn RASI

Mercury transiting house: 1

Disagreeable Intelligence.

Mercury transits your Janma Rasi.

This is not a favourable transit and indicates suffering from loss of wealth caused by the advice of wicked men, by tale-bearers, by imprisonment and quarrels. You will receive disagreeable intelligence when in journey.

Mental imbalance, poverty, eye diseases, quarrels with brothers, destruction of wealth, fear of imprisonment, difficulties in journeys, failure in education, unhappiness in family, untimely food, theft of valuables

Fatigue by journey are the results of transit of first house by mercury.

Mercury aspects house 7. Result of this aspect is Bad. quarrels

Mercury in malefic position. Mercury transiting Vedha position to good position 8. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Kethu




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