Benefits of wearing ratna or ratan according to Rashi / Rasi / Zodiac Sign
There are 12 varieties of gemstones and each Ratan has a specific charector and specific use. Though there are 12 precious Ratnas, only 9 are considered as powerful. The list of twelve sacred gemstones of Revelations are Jasper, Sapphire, Chalcedony, Emerald, Sardonyx, Sardius, Chrysolite, Beryl, Topaz, Chrysoprasus, Jacinth, and Amethyst. It is said that, selecting ratna according to rashi / zodiac sign is very important as every Ratan or gemstone or ratna is not suitable for all.
Basics of ratna is any mineral with a striking appearance and color is a gemstone. It should be hard enough to survive the natural settings and human interference without any damage. Due to their mineral content, stones have a chemical composition and crystal structures that make them unique.
People through generations, believed in the cosmic powers of gemstones. They believed that crystal receives these cosmic energies through color-coded frequencies, they seep into your body and cure the issues plaguing your life. That’s the main reason astrologers ask you to wear these birthstones, so they touch your body