Beauty Tarot
reading for Pisces | Meenam
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy
If your skin is oily, it’s important to start using a cleanser with salicylic acid. You can get this product at almost any pharmacy.
Detail: The upright Hanged Man encourages you to pause for a moment and see things from a different perspective. Reversed, this card can show that you know you need to hit the pause button, but you are resisting it. Instead, you fill your days with tasks and projects, keeping busy and distracting yourself from the actual issue that needs your attention. Your spirit and body are asking you to slow down, but your mind keeps racing. Stop and rest before it’s too late. The Universe will only dial up the volume if you ignore it, and as a result, you may end up crashing. So, as soon as you hear the call, clear your schedule and make the space so you can tune in and listen.
Message for The Day: You realise that this relationship will evolve and, due to its complexities, you cannot rush it. However, you also do not want to wait forever, and you acknowledge that there will come a time when you must decide.
திருமண தோஷங்கள் எவை? அவற்றை தீர்ப்பது எப்படி?
மேஷ லக்னத்தில் பிறந்தவரா நீங்கள்! என்ன தொழில் செய்யலாம்?
விண்மீன்களும் ஆருடமும் - ஜோதிட அடிப்படை விளக்கம்
ஓரைகள் எனப்படுவது என்ன? எந்த ஹோரையில் என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்? எந்த ராசிக்கு எந்த ஹோரை?
4-ஆம் லக்ன வீடும் அதில் உள்ள கோள்களும்
எண் ஜோதிடம் பார்ப்பது முறையானதா?