logo missing Beauty Tarot reading for Sagittarius - Danush

You deserve the grandest celebration of all.

Look striking, with defined features and a strong. Look very soft today but still quite angular. Red-faced today! Define your brow, – pencil it if it looks dull.!

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Read Wellness Forecast For Sagittarius - Danush

Sagittarius - Danush Tarot Card of the Day

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Detail: The Judgement card shows naked men, women, and children rising from their graves, arms outspread and looking up into the sky. Above, Archangel Gabriel – the Messenger of God – blows his trumpet. The people respond to his call, ready to be judged and to find out if they will be accepted into the heavens or not. In the background is an extensive mountain range, signifying the insurmountable obstacles and the impossibility of avoiding judgement.

Message for The Day: You may find comfort in sharing your struggles with others within a group environment. There will be others who have experienced something similar and who can show you the way to freedom from your troubles. Let them guide you and help you - rise together.

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